February 14


What to Read to Manage Your VA Better

When you hire someone for the first time, you become someone's boss. Their manager. Their leader.⁣

So it should only be fair that as you have your virtual assistant train and upgrade their skills, you upgrade yours as well.⁣

In this article we'll cover the top books we recommend at 2xYou to upgrade yourself as an employer:⁣

  1. The One Minute Manager⁣

    A classic book we have all our clients read, The One Minute Manager is basically a “How to effectively give feedback 101” book.⁣

    You learn how to effectively give praise, redirect your employees, and how to set goals with them that they can actually follow through.⁣
  2. How To Win Friends And Influence People⁣

    This book is an essential one that talks about basic concepts everyone should know, but most don’t – such as small acts like smiling and remembering people’s names.⁣

    They’re simple concepts, but when you start learning them by heart and the examples in the book make it easier for you to be more likable to your employees.⁣
  3. Leader’s Eat Last⁣

    Simon Sinek’s TED Talk is one of the highest viewed TED Talks on Youtube for a reason – he has done the research on what works in the world of being leaders in bigger companies.⁣

    This is why Leader’s Eat Last is such a good read, as he breaks down what makes a good leader, and how you can apply it to your company.⁣
  4. Dare To Lead⁣

    Another book from a famous TED Talk speaker, Brene Brown talks about being vulnerable as a leader and how that helps motivate employees like no other.⁣

    It talks about values, empathy, and how to lead with courage for those who have been leading and managing people for a while.⁣
  5. Mindset⁣

    A book that we recommend everyone should read, it dives into the differences between having a fixed and a growth mindset, one that as a leader, you should learn to cultivate and develop further.⁣

    It’s also an amazing read for your Virtual Assistant to read as well that will help them with how they can think about working with you.⁣
  6. Extreme Ownership⁣

    Written by Navy Seals, they break down what makes soldiers want to run into danger, other than love for the country – leaders who can own what to do and know that they can get the results they need by knowing their people the best.⁣

    The book further dives deeper into how to also train employees how to take responsibility, and how to get them to motivate themselves without a lot of outside influence.⁣
  7. The Obstacle Is The Way⁣

    A book that can be read in either the beginnings of being a manager or later on, it dives deep on how to find ways through bottlenecks in a business.⁣

    The Obstacle Is The Way touches a bit on Stoicism, and how to apply it as a leader in a business.⁣
  8. Emyth⁣

    This book has been dubbed “The Bible For Entrepreneurs” as it teaches you the basics of business and how to take advantage of it.⁣

    As a leader it will help give you a long-term mindset, that will help your employees along as they continue working with you.⁣

    All in all, being a leader doesn’t really have a straightforward manual you can follow – but it won’t hurt to learn from a few experts who researched how to be a great one.⁣

    Comment below any other books you recommend others read!

Unsure About Which Tasks Your VA Can Do For You?

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2xyou, book list, EA, executive assistant, management books, outsourcing, outsourcing services, VA, virtual assistant

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