Problems When Working With A Virtual Assistant

When it comes to working with a Virtual Assistant, there are a few things you have to keep in mind to keep things smooth as possible.⁣

In this article, I’ll list out all the things that we at 2xYou have to keep in mind when it comes to working with our amazing Remote Executive Assistants, as well as how we solve them:⁣


Depending on where your Virtual Assistant is based, infrastructure like their internet connection speed, electricity, and the tools that they use like their laptop can be a source of an issue when you’re not prepared for it.⁣

When you’re interviewing for Virtual Assistants, an important question to ask would be how often their internet connection might go out, and if they have any backups in case their internet fails.⁣

Electrical blackouts might be a scheduled event as well, so asking them about their situation or simply asking them to give you an update if there are any upcoming blackouts would help both of you plan out the week better.⁣

For their tools, you might not have the budget to buy them their own laptop, so you’ll have to either filter for a specific laptop on the get-go when hiring, or work with your virtual assistant on other ways to be able to get them the tools they need to get the work done.⁣


When working with someone virtually, you might be hesitant in sending over passwords and other data to your virtual assistant as you’re unsure if their laptop is secure.⁣

With this, we use tools like LastPass or OnePass to be able to securely share passwords, and Google Drive or Dropbox to be able to take back access to files or disallow downloading as necessary.⁣

There’s also keeping in mind not to send over sensitive information on the get to and allow for trust to build before sending out the information to your Virtual Assistant.⁣

Delegating Tasks⁣

It’s a common mistake for those who haven’t worked with Virtual Assistants before to simply delegate tasks without analyzing them, or having a good system in place for the assistants to receive them.⁣

When it comes to delegating tasks, one has to keep in mind that they would need to be tasks that their assistant can do or learn to do quickly, and isn’t essential to the company at first, and more complicated tasks later.⁣

One of the things we make sure of in 2xYou is that there is a well-placed delegation system between the assistant and their client, as well as checking with our assistants if they’re able to handle the task that was given to them.⁣


In the first few weeks of working with a Virtual Assistant, there will be times where there will be misunderstandings on what needs to get done or how you expect them to show up.⁣

This is why setting expectations on how often you’d like to be communicated and a way for them to receive tasks is essential to lessen the possibility.⁣

Having open communication with your Virtual Assistant will help as well since they will feel that it’s okay for them to be able to ask you questions or gain clarity when working with you.⁣

Lack Of Clarity⁣

I’ve said this before, but as the employer, it’s your responsibility to provide clarity for your virtual assistant so they can continue working with you.⁣

Not giving clear instructions or expectations can slow down your virtual assistant in making sure that things get done or moved forward in your business, so making sure they have the tools, resources and assets to keep moving forward is essential.⁣

Not Monitoring⁣

Having a way to know what their hours are, what tasks they get done, as well as how they are growing in your business is essential data for you to gather as their boss.⁣

Having tools like Hubstaff to monitor their hours, a task management system like Notion or Trello as well as having a routine check-in can help ease any other problems that arise as there is a space for you to be able to easily check in with your Virtual Assistant.⁣

In the end, most problems that arise when working with someone online can easily be solved with better communication and having clarity between one another.⁣

Comment below what other problems you’ve come across when working with your VA and how you were able to handle them.


2xyou, 2xyou remote services, business support, entrepreneurs, outsourcing, remote work, small and medium enterprise, small business support, sme, VA, virtual assistant

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