March 14

Outsourcing 101: What You Need To Know About Hiring Online

When it comes to outsourcing, there’s definitely a staggering amount of information out there on how it can be done.⁣

This is why in this article, we break down what is outsourcing and what you need to know about hiring online.⁣

Outsourcing is defined as simply hiring people in your business offshore.⁣

Whether that’s out of the city, out of the state, or out of the country, outsourcing is simply anytime you hire someone who is going to work with you virtually since they can’t physically be in your office.⁣

Here are the top reasons why you should outsource:⁣


There is definitely an arbitrage at the moment when it comes to hiring online: the differences between economies make it cheaper to hire someone from another country.⁣

For example, getting a tooth pulled can be anywhere from $200-$300USD in the US, while in the Philippines it’s $10 for a good dentist already.⁣

This difference between the cost of living means you can hire people cheaper than you would if you hired someone from the same country and economical status.⁣

We however don’t recommend paying people dirt-cheap wage just to get someone, and to pay employees what they’re worth so they can show up and work with you in the best way they can.⁣

Focus on What You Do Best⁣

One of the amazing things that happened when you outsource is that it frees you up from doing the minute tasks and focus on the bigger picture – why you started your business in the first place.⁣

Being able to actually write when you’re an author rather than be bogged down by marketing, admin, or tech tasks is the ultimate goal when you outsource parts of your business.⁣

Access to More Talent⁣

When you hire online, you’re not limited by the skills and the mindset of the people in your culture and city – you’re able to find people who can be a better match for who you need rather than just hiring from the local talent pool.⁣

You’re able to access other backgrounds and beliefs as well to keep the ball rolling and moving.⁣

Build & Test Systems⁣

When you’re able to outsource successfully, building and testing systems become an easier task as you have an outside point of view to see how things are currently run in your business and what are the different ways you can improve on it as well.⁣

With the right approach, create Standard Operating Procedures where you can create the same result over and over again so you can eventually step away from your business.⁣


When you’re outsourcing and working with someone online, it allows for a certain kind of flexibility and outside-of-the-box thinking that would be harder to do when hiring locally.⁣

It gives you the flexibility of time since you’re probably not working on the same timezone, the flexibility of being able to experiment with the tasks you’d want to give, and as well as having the flexibility to have things moving in your business while you’re asleep.⁣

Fastest Way To Scale⁣

When it goes down to it, outsourcing is one of the fastest ways to scale and have a business that grows beyond you.⁣

You’re not alone in doing the work anymore. You’re not the only one delivering to your clients and customers. It’s not just you making sure that things get done at the end of the day, someone else can be responsible for that too.⁣

At the end of the day, outsourcing is definitely not for everyone if you’re not willing to learn more about it and be curious about how it works.⁣

So open up, get started, and learn as you go.⁣

What got you curious about outsourcing? Let us know below!⁣

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