July 29


How To Onboard An Admin Virtual Assistant

Onboarding a virtual assistant (VA) can be smooth and effective with a practical approach. Here's a step-by-step breakdown based on the best practices for setting up your VA for success.

Setting Up for Success

Create 90-Day OKRs: Outline three main objectives and key results for your VA’s first 90 days. Break it down as follows:

  • First 30 days: Focus on learning.
  • Next 30 days: Start contributing.
  • Final 30 days: Take initiative on new projects.

Prep Their Logins: Ensure your VA has login information for all necessary applications, such as email and project management tools. Use secure password sharing tools like Bitwarden or 1Password.

Communication is Key

Set Up Communication Systems: Regular communication is crucial. Here’s a suggested schedule:

  • Daily: 15-minute sync (longer during initial training).
  • Weekly: Retrospective and planning session.
  • Monthly: Meeting to discuss objectives and feedback.

Clear Communication: Assistants learn best with clear instructions. Use project management tools and encourage questions to ensure they understand tasks.

Delegation Done Right

Create a Delegation System: Use the WOW method for effective task delegation:

  • Why: Explain the purpose of the task.
  • Outcome: Specify the deliverables.
  • Who/What: Identify involved parties and necessary resources.

Pick a Delegation Channel: Decide on a preferred method for delegating tasks, such as WhatsApp or daily syncs.

Stay Organized

Project & Task System: Implement a system like Notion to manage projects and tasks. Categorize delegated work for easy tracking.

Building a Knowledge Base

Record Tasks & SOP Creation: While training your VA, record yourself walking them through tasks. Your VA can convert these recordings into Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for future reference. This creates a valuable knowledge base for you and future team members.

Learning Never Stops

Business Walkthrough: Provide a comprehensive overview of your business, covering:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Client onboarding
  • Delivery
  • Offboarding processes

This context helps your VA understand its role within the bigger picture.

Quality & Feedback

Quality Sync: Recognize that your VA’s understanding of “quality” might differ. Regular quality syncs help establish expectations and provide constructive feedback.

Build Feedback Systems: Refer to “The One Minute Manager” by Ken Blanchard for guidance on providing effective feedback throughout your VA’s journey.


Onboarding a VA doesn’t have to be stressful. Following these steps and taking a proactive leadership role can create a structured onboarding process that minimizes stress and sets your VA up for success.

Free Up Your Time & Scale Your Business: Get Your Free Consultation Today: 2xyou.scoreapp.com


90-Day OKRs Communication Systems, EA, Feedback Systems, onboarding, outsourcing, outsourcing services, Task Delegation, VA Onboarding, VA Success Best Practices, virtual assistant, virtual employee

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