August 26


How To Create AI Assistants For Sales

Are You Ready to Create an AI Assistant for Sales?

In this guide, we'll explore how you can create your own AI Sales Assistant using ChatGPT. This tool will help streamline your sales process and make it easier to delegate tasks and train your sales team.

If you’re interested in more personalized support, I also offer AI consulting services. Simply click on the link below to get started.

Getting Started with ChatGPT

To begin, we'll use ChatGPT. As more AI tools become available, I might cover them in future videos, but ChatGPT is a great place to start. Once you learn the basics here, you'll be able to transfer those skills to other tools.

The WOAH Method: Setting Up ChatGPT

Whenever you use ChatGPT, start with the WOAH method:

  • Who you are and what you do
  • Outcome you need
  • Ask ChatGPT if it’s ready
  • How it should proceed

For example, I might start with, “I am an AI consultant for coaches and consultants. I need you to specialize as a sales consultant, focusing on working with consultants. Are you ready? Please keep your responses concise and action-oriented.”

ChatGPT will then be ready to assist you in a more tailored way.

Creating AI Assistants: The Five Key Types

  1. Sales Consultant Assistant The first AI Assistant we'll create is a Sales Consultant. This assistant will help you and your team by offering actionable insights and strategies for improving your sales process. To set this up, input your specific requirements into ChatGPT, and it will provide the necessary guidance.
  2. Client Checker Assistant This assistant ensures that your potential clients align with your ideal client persona. Simply provide ChatGPT with the criteria, and it will help you assess whether a client is a good fit. This saves you time by pre-qualifying leads before you engage further.
  3. Lead Generation Email Writer Need help with cold outreach? This assistant can craft customized LinkedIn or email messages designed to get responses. You can personalize these messages further by incorporating details about the recipient, making your outreach more effective.
  4. Response Generator Once you start receiving replies, this assistant helps you respond in a professional and timely manner. It’s beneficial for team members whose first language isn’t English, ensuring that all communications are clear and polished.
  5. Proposal/Offer Writer Finally, this assistant can generate proposals and offers based on your provided information. ChatGPT can format and tailor these documents to suit your business needs, whether it's a detailed proposal or a simple offer.


These AI assistants can significantly enhance your sales operations, making your processes more efficient and your team more effective.

Small steps lead to big results—start integrating AI into your sales process today!

Free Up Your Time & Scale Your Business: Get Your Free Consultation Today:


AI Consulting, AI in Business, AI Sales Assistant, chatgpt, Client Qualification, Lead Generation, Proposal Writing, Sales Automation, Sales Strategy, work from home

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