How To Get Your Virtual Assistant Profitable Quickly And Easily

It is no question that having a virtual assistant can help you a lot in scaling your business.⁣⁣
In this article, let me walk you through the different ways or different steps that you can take to make sure that your virtual assistant becomes profitable right off from day one. ⁣⁣
These are the different ways or things you can set up to get your VA up and running within the first day, first week, and first month while you’re working with them. ⁣⁣
This is a process that we take our own clients through when we are onboarding a new executive assistant with them and I’m sharing it with you and hopefully this could help you get you and your virtual assistant get started in the right way. This will be a better overview of the different steps you can take to make your virtual assistants profitable right off the bat.⁣⁣
But before anything else, what do I mean by profitable?⁣⁣
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 means that your virtual assistants can help you earn enough inside of your business to cover their own wages and beyond.


The first thing that you want to make sure you do before you even start having a virtual assistant, is to know what tasks to give that your VA can get started with right away and tasks that help you make more money than you are paying them.⁣

When you first get started, line up tasks that are more repeatable and easily documented. Set up tasks that are easy to do and easy to remember. For example, filing invoices, cleaning up email, managing your contacts, etc. Find tasks that are easily repeatable in your business that are the daily, weekly, or monthly tasks that your virtual assistant can start working with. ⁣

By doing this, you’re letting your VA take these tasks away from you so you can focus on other tasks in your business. Thus, right off the bat, helping you be more profitable. It might not be enough right away to cover their own wage, but then it is a start. ⁣

Moving forward, they can start doing tasks that support you in getting those sales or getting the customers or clients that you need.⁣

Say for example you sell products on Amazon. The way that your assistant can help you support that, is either they are the one looking for the sources of the products, or they create the description of the products. They’re helping you set up so then you can show up in the best way and show off to your clients as you start getting those sales.⁣

The final phase is having your virtual assistant directly do things that actually affect sales in your business, like doing sales call or managing your clients.⁣

To recap, make sure that you go through the process of giving them the right tasks…⁣

First,  recurring tasks: things that don’t really hurt your business so much but frees you up⁣

Next, actually doing tasks that help support you create more sales in your business⁣

Lastly, give tasks that directly affect revenue in your business.


You must make sure that you get to know your virtual assistant as they get started. You want to get to know what their strengths and weaknesses are or their personality types. ⁣

Basically, you must make sure that you get to know them a little bit better because then you are building that relationship with them. Aside from the working relationship, it’s also a way for them to become your second brain, which is what we are doing inside of 2xYou.⁣

Getting to know your virtual assistant can be as easy as asking them how their day was or asking them if they have difficulties and what are the ways that you can support them as their boss. Asking them these questions will empower them to get the work done and get yourselves on the right foot as you guys are getting started.


This can really help your VA be profitable right off the bat. For them to be profitable, you need to give them the context of why it matters, why you are doing what you are doing, and who are the people you are trying to help with your business. This gives them clarity of the important things and they can understand better how the company is run.


Basically, make sure that their goals are aligned with your company goals so then it makes sense for you to work with each other. Goal setting is not just asking what their goals are but telling them what the company’s goals are for the month, the quarter, or the year. So, you and your virtual assistant will be on the same page on the things that need to get done and hit those goals.


This is only for the first 30 or 60 days that they are in your company. The point of this is to give them something to achieve, something to look forward to as they start working. When you give them clarity and priorities, the better they are in making sure that they show up for those priorities and make sure that they get done.


Once you have that goal for the week, then break it down to what are the tasks that your virtual assistant can look forward to. Inside of 2xYou, we create a whole task list for the VAs, even if it’s a task that our client sees that they’re not going to be doing for at least a year, we’re still listing it out so that the virtual assistant can anticipate, can research, can even test out or improve the skills needed. So when it gets to the point when they will be doing the task, they are more confident and more familiar with what it is that they need to do. You are basically giving them a map of what are the things that are expected from them so they would know what they should work on.


When your virtual assistant is relatively new to working from home, they can get overwhelmed with the flexibility of time. So you want to make sure that you give your assistant the opportunity to either build their own calendar or build their calendar with you so then they would know how many hours are expected of them, what times you will be available, so you and your assistant will be in sync even if you are in different time zones.


You must set boundaries with your assistant on when is the right time to contact you and you to them. Inform them right away of what are the things that could hurt your work relationship if they dive into it too deep. Setting these boundaries is very important as you build your relationship with your assistant as it gives them the clarity of what they can and cannot do.


A lot of the time, we get used to the things are so easily accessible to us that we forget to share certain things or files to our assistants. So, make sure to create a list of the files or tools that they need access to so that things won’t fall through the cracks.


This is the fastest way to get your virtual assistant profitable right away. You must provide your VAs the training that they need, to know what it is that they need to do. That way you are empowering them to use the knowledge that they learned from you and use it to help grow your business.


Now that you have set out these goals, the visions, the missions, the values, you’ve shared the expectations with one another, now it’s just down to keeping yourselves accountable to make sure that you meet these expectations, these goals, and adjusting as you need to. Basically, for this, communication is key. Make sure you communicate with each other, have daily sync-ups, or have a way where you can check in with them easily. In this way, if they are stuck on something, they know that they can come to you for help after they try to figure it out by themselves.

Getting your virtual assistant profitable quickly is very easily doable if you follow and keep in mind all the things mentioned above. Hopefully, this article can be of great help to you in your journey to finding and hiring the right virtual assistant.⁣

If you have ideas of your own about how to get your VA profitable quickly and easily, feel free to leave a message on the comment section below.

Unsure About Which Tasks Your VA Can Do For You?

By signing up, you will have access to the 103 TASKS TO OUTSOURCE TO YOUR VIRTUAL ASSISTANT pdf for FREE! This is an awesome guide for you in getting started with your virtual assistant. Sign up now!


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