August 20

How a 2xYou EA Supported ARGITEK’s Transition from Solo to Scaled Success

Kenyn Benjamin, the founder of ARGITEK Management Consulting, faced the challenge of scaling his solo consultancy into a fully-fledged company. With a vision to expand, he recognized the need for structured support and found a game-changing solution with 2xYou’s virtual assistant services.


As a solo entrepreneur, Kenyn struggled with the limitations of handling every aspect of his growing business on his own. He needed a way to scale his operations and implement effective business processes without becoming overwhelmed. The search for a solution led him to explore virtual assistant services, a concept he had not previously considered.


Kenyn discovered 2xYou through a YouTube video and was impressed by the structured approach and established framework of the company. He appreciated the formal and well-organized process that 2xYou offered, which included:

  • Tailored Matching: 2xYou took the responsibility of finding the right executive assistant, Claire, who perfectly matched Kenyn’s needs and personality.
  • Structured Onboarding: 2xYou provided a comprehensive 90-day roadmap that included business process optimization, setting operating standards, and drafting policies.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Weekly check-ins ensured continuous assessment and adjustment, keeping the project on track and aligned with Kenyn’s goals.


With Claire’s support and 2xYou’s structured approach, ARGITEK achieved remarkable results:

  • Effective Scaling: The assistance provided enabled Kenyn to transition from a solo entrepreneur to a more structured organization, achieving significant growth in a short period.
  • Strategic Planning: ARGITEK established its first strategic plan within four months, meeting goals that were originally set for six months.
  • Operational Efficiency: The implementation of business processes and operating standards streamlined operations, contributing to the company's success.

Kenyn Benjamin’s experience with 2xYou has been transformative for ARGITEK. The meticulous matching process, structured onboarding, and ongoing support provided by 2xYou have greatly contributed to the company’s rapid growth and operational success. Kenyn highly recommends 2xYou to other entrepreneurs seeking to scale their businesses effectively.

Want to have a Remote Executive Assistant in your business? Your journey starts here:


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