August 27


Integrating Human Design: Simple Steps to Transform Your Life

In the ever-evolving world of digital nomadism, there are countless paths to creating a lifestyle of freedom and fulfillment. One inspiring story comes form Astrid Heystee, a business and human design coach who found her way to location-independent entrepreneurship through an unexpected journey of self-discovery and healing.

Astrid's path to becoming a digital nomad begin in 2010 when she met her first location worker while traveling in Australia. This planted the seed of possibility, but it wasn't until years later that she would fully embrace this lifestyle. After working in high-stress marketing roles, Astrid craved the freedom she had experienced while traveling.

However, her transition to nomadic life took an unexpected turn. Just days before embarking on a nomad cruise in 2019, Astrid suddenly lost the ability to walk due to a long-undiagnosed medical condition. This health crisis forced her to slow down and work remotely from home, inadvertently preparing her for the global lockdowns that would soon follow.

During her recovery, Astrid discovered human design, a personal development system that helps individuals understand their unique energy blueprint and natural way of operating in the world. This discovery not only aided in her healing process but also became  the foundation for her coaching business.

Key Takeaways for Aspiring Digital Nomads:

  1. Listen to your body: Astrid's story highlights the importance of paying attention to your physical and mental well-being. Ignoring stress signals can leads to serious health issues.
  2. Embrace flexibility: The ability to work remotely allowed Astrid to continue her career even when faced with unexpected health challenges.
  3. Find your unique path: There's no one-size-fits-all approach to being a digital nomad. Astrid emphasizes creating a lifestyle first, then molding your business around it.
  4. Manage your energy: Understanding your natural rhythms and energy patterns can help you work more efficiently and avoid burnout.
  5. Seek community: Connecting with other digital nomads and like-minded individuals can provide support, inspiration, and new perspectives.
  6. Balance guild and freedom: Many nomads struggle with feeling guilty when they're not working while traveling. Finding the right balance is key.
  7. Explore personal development: Tools like human design can offer insights into your strengths and optimal ways of working.

Astrid's coaching program, the “Hexagon of Freedom,” addresses multiples aspects of freedom beyond just location and finances. It includes freedom from inner criticism, stress reduction, and prioritizing health and well-being.

For those interested in exploring human design, Astrid offers custom reports through her website, Palm Tree Moments. These reports aim to make the complex world of Human Design more accessible and practical for everyday use. 

Astrid's journey reminds us that the path to becoming a digital nomad isn't always straightforward. It often involves personal growth, overcoming challenges, and discovering new ways of understanding ourselves. By embracing our unique qualities and creating a lifestyle that aligns with our true nature, we can find freedom, fulfillment, and success in the world of location-independent work.

Watch the full episode here.

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Want to have a Remote Executive Assistant in your business? Your journey starts here:


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